Tiffany Antone and Cason Murphy | Presenters and conference leaders | 2025 Mid-America Theatre Conference |
Racheal Ruble | Intergroup contact, relational solidarity, and cognitive attitudes toward Chinese international students | Journal of Language and Social Psychology |
John Levis | Is intonation learnable in the classroom? Evidence from Turkish learners of English | Language Teaching Research, SAGE Publications Inc |
John Levis | Key issues in L2 pronunciation research: A look back at 10 years of JSLP | Journal of Second Language Pronunciation |
Susan Stewart | Work–family–self-care and day drinking among women during the COVID-19 pandemic | Alcohol, Clinical and Experimental Research |
Christina Svec | Parallel-form Reliability of the Online Primary Measures of Music Audition: A Pilot Study | International Journal of Music in Early Childhood |
Daniela Dimitrova | Global Journalism: Understanding World Media Systems, Second Edition | Rowman & Littlefield |
Lindsay Preseau | Equitable placement assessment in undergraduate German programs | Teaching German/Die Unterrichtspraxis |
Jeff Wheatley | Member Spotlight | American Academy of Religion |
Shalini Singh | Are We Broken Are We Dreaming of a Gulf a Bay Are We Wanting To | The Coachella Review |
Amanda Petefish-Schrag | "Puppetry for a Plague Year: A Syllabus?" | International Journal of Education and the Arts |
Tina A. Coffelt | Which Communication Skills Do I Need? A Multimethod Study of Communication Needs in Construction Engineering | Sage and Journal of Business and Technical Communication |
Jeffrey Wheatley and Sarah Dees | Religion & Politics Panel Discussion | State Historical Society of Iowa |
Tonglu Li | The May Fourth Intellectuals and Religion | Brill |
Tess Neal | APA Journals Editor Spotlight | American Psychological Association Journals |
Michael Golemo | Sea Island Spirituals – Songs of the Gullahs | Timeworks, LLC |
Karen Kedrowski | The Palgrave Handbook of Fashion and Politics | Palgrave Macmillan |
Mariana Castro Azpíroz | Snapshots of the Seasons Theatre | Stories of the Seasons: a WFAN Zine |
Tess Neal | Understanding “error” in the forensic sciences: A primer | Forensic Science International: Synergy |
Tess Neal | Confirmatory information seeking is robust in psychologists’ diagnostic reasoning | Law and Human Behavior |
Jo Mackiewicz, Shaya Kraut, Allison Durazzi | Editors’ Use of Comprehensive Style Guides: The Case of Singular They | Technical Communication Quarterly |
Pablo Raúl Stinga | Regularity Techniques for Elliptic PDEs and the Fractional Laplacian | Chapman and Hall/CRC Press |
Filip Viskupic | States that Vaccinate the Most | WalletHub |
Shalini Singh | Groundglass: An eco-opaque narration for the mind, body, and soul | Litro Magazine |
Craig A. Anderson | Three Subtle Ways Climate Change Degrades Your Mental Health | WebMD |
Sarah Dees | Religion, Race, and the Limit of Ethics | Journal of Religious Ethics |
Shalini Ajay Singh | Iowa= Gujarat (?) | Hayden's Ferry Review |
Cason Murphy | Pandemic Play: Community in Performance, Gaming, & the Arts | Palgrave Macmillan |
Michèle Schaal | (Breaking out of) heteropatriarchal lockdown: Wendy Delorme’s Viendra le temps du feu | Journal of Gender Studies |
Lindsay Preseau | The Cincinnati Runestone: Origins, Inscription, and Transcultural Context | Futhark: International Journal of Runic Studies |
Pablo Raúl Stinga | Lecture: “Abel, Caffarelli and fractional nonlocal equations" | Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences |
Shalini Ajay Singh | Astro | Live Wire |
Shalini Ajay Singh | Opprobrium | Berkely Poetry Review |
Shalini Ajay Singh | Remembering an atom time | SUSPECT (Singapore Unbound) |
Sarah Dees | Spiritual Healing for Sale: Medical Pluralism and the Commodification of Native American Healing Traditions | Routledge |
Lindsay Preseau | Gender Inclusivity Across the Curriculum: An Exploration of Novice and Advanced Course Content through Student Perspective | Multilingualism Matters |
Michael Golemo | All Things Considered | NPR |
Bonar L. Hernández | Guatemala’s anti-corruption leader-to-be could be prevented from taking office, deepening migration concerns for US | The Conversation |
Mariana Castro Azpíroz | Ciencia en femenino: una revisión desde los aportes de las mujeres | Universidad de Guanajuato/Fides Ediciones |
Katherine Rafferty | Medication Abortion and abortion pill reversal: An exploratory analysis on the influence of others in women’s decision-making | Cureus |
David Peterson, Eleanor Chalstrom, Hailey Stone, Dylan Miller, Jonathan Zugay | How is congressional dysfunction playing in Davenport? | Tusk |
Michèle Schaal | Bermudes de Claire Legendre : (s’)échouer dans la modernité liquide | Québec Studies |
David Peterson, Eleanor Chalstrom, Hailey Stone, Dylan Miller, Jonathan Zugay | Why isn’t Donald Trump doing better? | Tusk |
David Peterson, Eleanor Chalstrom, Hailey Stone, Dylan Miller, Jonathan Zugay | Candidates got them feeling emotions | Tusk |
Lindsay Preseau | Linguistic Precarity in German Film: Discourses of Appropriateness in 'German Class' and 'Welcome to Germany' | Bloomsbury |
Michèle A Schaal | Claire Legendre : 'Parler du pire est une question de santé mentale collective' | Women in French Studies |
Tess Neal | Editor-in-Chief: Psychology, Public Policy, and Law | American Psychological Association |
Burak Senel | Successful Use of ChatGPT in the Classroom | Sage Publishing |
Katherine Rafferty | Understanding women’s communication with their providers during medication abortion and abortion pill reversal: An exploratory analysis | 92nd Annual Catholic Medical Association Conference |
Katherine Rafferty | The effects of abortion decision rightness and decision type on women’s satisfaction and mental health | Cureus |
Katherine Rafferty | Understanding women’s communication with their providers during medication abortion and abortion pill reversal: An exploratory analysis | The Linacre Quarterly |
Christina Svec | Meeting the social and emotional needs of P-12 learners: A descriptive study of music teacher education programs | Journal of Research in Music Education |
Karen Kedrowski | Walking the Gendered Tightrope: Theresa May and Nancy Pelosi as Legislative Leaders | University of Michigan Press |
Christina Svec | Elementary General Music: Perceptions and Aspirations of Preservice Music Teachers | Journal of Music Teacher Education |
Cason Murphy | Education in Crisis: Lessons from Today | GIRES Press |
Jeremy Best | The Kaiser’s Silver: German Nationalism and the 1913 Nationalspende for Christian Mission | German History |
Rochelle Raineri Zuck | William Apess's Indian Nullification: Narrating Mashpee Wampanoag Sovereignty in Nineteenth-Century America and Beyond | Early American Literature |
Tracy Lucht | The Routledge Companion to American Journalism History | Routledge |
Chad Cardani-Trollinger | Using the Sustainable Development Goals in Undergraduate Leadership Programs | New Directions for Student Leadership |
Matthew Sivils | Introduction: The Proliferation of the Ecogothic | Studies in American Fiction |
Matthew Sivils | ‘Some Dark Imagined Sculptor:’ Hawthorne’s Ecogothic Rocks | Nathaniel Hawthorne Review |
Craig A. Anderson | Quoted, "Can the First Amendment bend to help teens fixated on social media?" | USA Today Network (Gannett) |
Michèle Schaal | Penser le triangle littéraire, la trilogie Bermudes de Claire Legendre | French Review |
Jacqueline E. Reber and Kimberly Moss | Science Communication That Goes Beyond Words | Eos |
Christopher Hopkins | Arched Interiors II | Concerts from the Library of Congress |
Pablo Raúl Stinga | Fractional Derivatives: Fourier, Elephants, Memory Effects, Viscoelastic Materials, and Anomalous Diffusions | Notices of the American Mathematical Society |
Lucía Suárez | Building Latina/o/x Studies: Case Samples from the Midwest | Diálogo |
Matthew DeLisi | Ted Bundy and The Unsolved Murder Epidemic: The Dark Figure of Crime | Palgrave Macmillan |
Lucia Suarez | Dançando Bahia: ensaios sobre danças afro-brasileiras, educação, memoria e raça | Federal University of Bahia Press |
Cason Murphy | “No Longer ‘Merely Players’: Porting the Elements of Theatre into Video Gaming” | Video Games as a Common Ground International Conference and the Live Performance and Video Gaming International Conference |
Michael Bugeja | If AI kills the essay, I will be a pallbearer at the funeral | Poynter |
Derek Franklin | Restoring the Balance: What Wolves Tell Us About Our Relationship with Nature | Journal of Mammalogy |
Derek Franklin | Policy process and problem framing for state nutrient reduction strategies in the U.S. Upper Mississippi River basin | Journal of Soil and Water Conservation |
Katherine Dentzman | Applying the feminist agrifood systems theory (fast) to U.S. organic, value-added, and non-organic non-value-added farms | Agriculture and Human Values |
Matthew DeLisi | Psychopathy among condemned capital murderers | Journal of Forensic Sciences |
Katherine Dentzman | Governance of emerging pests and pathogens in production landscapes: Pesticide resistance and collaborative governance | Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability |
Katherine Dentzman | "Academics and the ‘easy button’: Lessons from pesticide resistance management" | Agriculture and Human Values |
Rochelle Raineri Zuck | Who Wrote The Female American?: The Noble Brothers, Circulating Libraries, and the Eighteenth-Century Novel | ELH (English Literary History) |
Manisha Sharma | …समत्वं योग उच्यते, …samatvam yoga ucyate (Bhagavad Gita, Chapter 2, Verse 48) Equilibrium is yoga | The Amethyst Review |
Megan J. Myers | “¿Cómo no publicarlas?”: Looking Beyond Editora Taller’s Trio of Haitian-Authored Novels.” | Journal of Haitian Studies |
Michèle A Schaal | “Une Affirmation politique: Despentes essayiste.” | Irish Journal of French Studies |
Craig Anderson | Quoted, "Hotter days bring out hotter tempers, research finds" | The Washington Post |
Jeremy Best | The Last Powerpoint: Teaching World War II With the Holocaust | Teaching Military History |
Michele Schaal | “Polyphony as Intersectional Inquiry and Praxis: Wendy Delorme’s Le Corps est une chimère” | CFC - Intersections |
Mitch Recker, Cora Benker, Eric Swart, Gracie Johnson and Dr. Tina Coffelt | "Igniting Interest in Undergraduate Research Methods" | Iowa Communication Association Conference |
Pamela Riney-Kehrberg | "When a Dream Dies: Agriculture, Iowa, and the Farm Crisis of the 1980s" | University Press of Kansas |
Sarah Dees | “Religion on the Brink: Settler-Colonial Knowledge Production in the US Census” | NYU Press |
Jonathan Sturm | Solo viola performance with Central Iowa Symphony | Central Iowa Symphony |
Karen Kedrowski | Several chapters in the book "Strategies for Navigating Graduate School and Beyond" | American Political Science Association |
Margaret R. LaWare | Invited to speak at American Council of Learned Societies workshop at North Carolina University | American Council of Learned Societies |
Michael Golemo | "Leo's Song," "Hampton March," and "Jingle Bells (For Everyone)" | Timeworks, LLC |
Susan Stewart | "On the Rocks: Straight talk about women and drinking" | Rowan & Littlefield |
Daniela Dimitrova | Delivered keynote address "Global Journalism in Times of Change" | World Journalism Education Council congress |
Matt Sivils | "Environmental Apocalypse and The Crater" | "Approaches to Teaching the Novels of James Fenimore Cooper" |
Matt Sivils | “Monstrous Stewardship and the Plantation in Chesnutt’s ‘The Goophered Grapevine'" | Routledge |
Matt Sivils | "'That Noisome and Contagious Receptacle': Quarantine and Horror in Charles Brockden Brown’s ‘The Man at Home’” | Taylor & Francis |
Allison Durazzi | Delivered presentation "The Case for Supplemental Style Guides" | International Professional Communication Conference |
Ann Oberhauser | “Work in Progress: Transforming Spaces in Feminist Economic Geography” | International Geographical Union Commission on Gender and Geography |
Yuyu Zhou | Light pollution is disrupting the seasonal rhythms of plants and trees, lengthening pollen season in US cities | The Conversation |
Michael Bugeja | Several articles published | Poynter Institute, The Department Chair, Iowa Capital Dispatch and Des Moines Register |
Thomas Iadecola | “Digital quantum simulation of Floquet symmetry-protected topological phases” | Nature |
Leslie Ginder | Selected to present at Career Professionals of Iowa conference | Career Professionals of Iowa |
Craig Anderson | Expert panelist on “Media Violence and its Impact on Youth” webinar | Ask the Experts |
Douglas Gentile | "Finding the Freedom to Get Unstuck and Be Happier" | Penguin Books |
Deb Marquart | Appeared on Iowa Public Radio "Talk of Iowa" program | Iowa Public Radio |
Peter Orazem | "How relative marginal tax rates affect establishment entry at state borders" | Small Business Economics |
Cason Murphy | International conference presentations | Interdisciplinary Humanities Center at University of California, Santa Barbara, and Global Institute for Research Education and Scholarship |
Jo Mackiewicz | “Welding Technical Communication: Teaching and Learning Embodied Knowledge” | SUNY Press |
James T. Andrews and Margaret R. LaWare | "Art of the Global City" | Oxford/NYC: Peter Lang |
Craig Anderson | "Does Laughing at TV violence mean you have a dark personality? New psychological research weighs in" | Forbes Magazine |
Terry Kruse quoted in Iowa Department of Education article | "Students shine with transfer majors" | Iowa Department of Education |
Hridesh Rajan | "An Experiential Introduction to Principles of Programming Languages" | MIT Press |
Grant Arndt | “The Indian’s White Man: Indigenous Knowledge, Mutual Understanding, and the Politics of Indigenous Reason” | Current Anthropology |
Julia Domíngues | “Quixotic Memories: Cervantes and Memory in Early Modern Spain” | University of Toronto Press |
Karen Kedrowski | "Integrating Civic Engagement Into Scholarly Reward Systems" | PS: Political Science & Politics |
Ryan D. Sheeler | "Ritchie Valens Songbook: Hits and B-Sides" | Centerstream Publications |
Karen Kedrowski | "Performing Toxic Masculinity During the January 6th Insurrection" | eJournal of Public Affairs |
Tiffany Antone and Cason Murphy | Mid-America Theatre Conference | Mid-America Theatre Conference |
Craig A. Anderson and Andreas Miles-Novelo | "Climate Change and Human Behavior: Impacts of a Rapidly Changing Climate on Human Aggression and Violence" | Cambridge University Press |
Christian Carichner | Book chapter: "The School Marching Band Program" | Routledge Publications |
Christina Svec | "The Academic Support Group: Peer-Mentoring Experiences of Early-Career Music Teacher Educators," "At the Intersection of Belief & Practice: A Mixed-Methods Study of Elementary General Music Educator Praxis," " Music Aptitude and Music Achievement: A Meta-Analysis" | Visions of Research in Music Education; Psychology of Music; Proceedings of the 28th International Seminar of the International Society for Music Education Research Commission |
Cason Murphy | Review of Shakespeare’s "As You Like It" produced by Flagstaff Shakespeare Festival | Shakespeare Bulletin |
William Gallus | "Hurricane-force wind gusts in Colorado, dust storms in Kansas, tornadoes in Iowa in December – here’s what fueled a day of extreme storms" | The Conversation |
Tina Coffelt | "Interpersonal Sexual Communication across the Lifespan" | Peter Lang Group |
Katherine A Rafferty, Tina Coffelt and Nicole Miller | "Understanding Criteria that Predict Private Health Information Disclosures between Emerging Adults and Their Parents" | Western Journal of Communication |
Chad Hart | "Iowa Press" episode "Agriculture economics and climate" | Iowa PBS |
Md Rafiul Islam, Audrey McCombs and Claus Kadelka | Comparing 17.5 million options shows CDC got COVID vaccine rollout right | Futurity |
Audrey McCombs and Claus Kadelka | "US vaccine rollout was close to optimal at reducing deaths and infections, according to a model comparing 17.5 million alternative approaches" | The Conversation |
Steven Hall | "Climate scientists warn soil carbon storage could worsen global warming due to nitrous oxide emissions" | Yahoo News |
Douglas Gentile | "Netflix’s ‘Squid Game’ sparks concern about violent impact on kids" | Washington Times |
Jeremy Best | "Framing political violence as patriotic is even more dangerous than it sounds" | Washington Post |
Tonglu Li | "Building a Cultural Scaffolding for Calligraphy Learning" | University Calligraphy |
Shenglan Zhang | "A systematic review of pedagogical research on teaching Chinese as a foreign language in the United States – from 1960 to 2020" | Chinese as a Second Language Research |
Craig Rood quoted as an expert source | "Guys and guns: Why men are behind the vast majority of America's gun violence" | ABC News |
Dave Swenson | "John Deere Workers Hit the Picket Lines as Company Expected to Report Record Profits" | Newsweek |
Stacey Weber-Fève | "Belonging and Distantiation: Reading Marjane Satrapi and Vincent Paronnaud’s Poulet aux prunes in Relation to Cinéma-monde” | Journal of Cinema and Media Studies |
Shenglan Zhang | "Seamless Integration Between Online and Face-to-Face: The Design and Perception of a Flipped-Blended Language Course" | International Journal of Computer-Assisted Language Learning and Teaching |
Nell Gabiam and Luan Nguyen | "Perception of the Culture of Disengagement by Minoritized Engineering Students" | American Society for Engineering Education |
Megan Myers | "The Border of Lights Reader" | Amherst College Press |
Janci Bronson | Open-Access Piano Education | YouTube |
Matthew Hufford | "De novo assembly, annotation, and comparative analysis of 26 diverse maize genomes" | Science |
Julie Courtwright and Pamela Riney-Kehrberg | "The Dust Bowl Offers Key Climate Change Lessons for the U.S." | Teen Vogue |
Wu Zhijun | "Social Distancing is a Social Dilemma Game Played by Every Individual Against His/Her Population" | PLOS ONE |
Miriam Zach | "Kaleidoscope of Colors, A Festival of Pipes" | Organ Historical Society |
Andrew Somerville | "Why Is Your Pet Rabbit Of European Descent? Researchers Have A Possible Explanation" | Forbes Magazine |
Cason Murphy | "The World at Play: Performance from the Audience's Perspective" | Kendall Hunt Publishing Company |
Charlie Nagle | "Doing L2 speech research online: Why and how to collect online ratings data" | Studies in Second Language Acquisition |
Katherine A. Rafferty | "Mothers’ Support Preferences With Their Chronically Ill Child’s Health Care Team" | Western Journal of Nursing Research |
Amy Eric Smith | "Latin America Erupts: When Does Competitive Authoritarianism Take Root?" | The Journal of Democracy |
John Winters | "Skip college? Not if you want to make more money" | The Washington Post |
Ann Olberhauser | "Expanding opportunities for women and economic uncertainty are both factors in declining U.S. fertility rates" | The Conversation |
Michael Bailey | "Muslims in Medieval Inquisitorial Thought: Nicolau Eymeric and His Contexts" | Church History |
Andrew Somerville | "Why Were New World Rabbits Not Domesticated?" | Animal Frontiers |
Julia Dominguez | "Cervantes and the Mother of the Muses: Views of Memory in Early Modern Spain" | "Cervantes and the Early Modern Mind" |
Shenglan Zhang | "Self-efficacy within an individualized approach to improving language learners’ self-regulated learning strategies" | Routledge Taylor and Francis Group |
Matthew Sivils | “The African American Ecogothic of E. Levi Brown’s ‘At the Hermitage.’” | Studies in American Fiction |
Daniela V. Dimitrova | "Global Journalism: Understanding World Media Systems" | Rowman & Littlefield Publishers |
Julia Dominguez | “Imaginar mundos: Memoria y ciencia ficción en la obra de Cervantes” | Cervantes: Journal of the Cervantes Society of America |
Amy Erica Smith | "Brazil's president is rallying his base--so that he can expand his power" | The Washington Post |
Dara Wald | "Advancing a Cross Boundary Social Science of Trust in Natural Resource Management" | Frontiers in Communication |
John Grundy | "How learning a language changes your brain" | Discover Magazine |
Ilma Jahic | "Psychopathy and Violent Video Game Playing: Multiple Associations in a Juvenile Justice System Involved Sample" | Aggressive Behavior |
Sarah Dees | "US landmarks bearing racist and Colonial references are renamed to reflect Indigenous values" | The Conversation |
Richard W. Mansbach | "Populism and Globalism: The Return of Nationalism and the Global Liberal Order" | Palgrave Macmillan |
Kate Padgett-Walsh | "Student loan debt is costing recent grads much more than just money" | The Conversation |
Charlie Nagle | "The Effect of Speaker Proficiency on Intelligibility, Comprehensibility, and Accentedness in L2 Spanish: A Conceptual Replication and Extension of Munro and Derwing" | Language Learning |
Leana Bouffard, Jeff Bouffard | "Still in the Shadows: Stalking Prosecution Rates’ Unresponsiveness to Increased Legislative Attention" | Journal of Criminal Justice |
Abdi Kusow | "Slavery and the Slave Trade within and across the Red Sea Region: A Preliminary Conceptual Framework" | Slavery, Resistance and Abolitions: A Pluralist Perspective |
Abdi Kusow, Matthew DeLisi | "Attitudes Toward Immigration as a Sense of Group Position" | The Sociological Quarterly |
Michael Dahlstrom | "The narrative truth about scientific misinformation" | Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences |
Susan Stewart | “COVID-19, Coronavirus-Related Anxiety, and Changes in Women’s Alcohol Use” | Journal of Gynecology and Women’s Health |
Karen Kedrowski | "Students' perceptions of experiential learning in a political events course: A case study from Iowa" | Journal of Convention & Event Tourism |
Amy Erica Smith quoted in New York Times article | Brazil's Armed Forces Chiefs Resign Abruptly Amid Cabinet Shake Up | The New York Times |
Charlie Nagle | "Beyond Linguistic Features: Exploring Behavioral and Affective Correlates of Comprehensible Second Language Speec | Cambridge University Press |
Chong Wang, Dapeng Hu, Paul Morris, Jeffrey Zimmerman, Ting-Yu Cheng | “Active regional surveillance for early detection of exotic/emerging pathogens of swine: A comparison of statistical methods for farm selection” | Journal of Preventative Veterinary Medicine |
Michael Bugeja | Several articles published | Profiles in Diversity Journal, Poynter Institute, Iowa Capital Dispatch and Des Moines Register |
Jan Lauren Boyles | “Opportunities and Challenges: Professional Development Programming in Media and Communication Education” | Journalism & Mass Communication Educator |
Kelly Winfrey | “Engaging in Political Talk on Facebook: Investigating the Role of Interpersonal Goals and Cognitive Engagement” | Communication Studies |
Dara Wald | "Who are American Evangelical Protestants and Why Do They Matter for US Climate Policy?" | WIREs Climate Change |
Dara Wald | “The Role of Scientific Source Credibility and Goodwill in Public Skepticism Toward GM Foods” | Environmental Communication (2020) |
Sebastian Braun | "Introduction to American Indian Studies: Policies, Histories, and Contemporary Issues" | Kendall Hunt Publishing |
Alexander Holt | "This is a Simile Precarious Imagery in the Third Book About Achim" in Johnson-Jahrbuch 27 (2021) | Wallstein Verlag |
Matthew DeLisi | "The Dark Figure of Sexual Offending: A Replication and Extension" | Behavioral Sciences and the Law |
Michael Golemo | "USER X" | Timeworks LLC Publishing |
Michael Golemo | "March of the Samurai" | Timeworks LLC Publishing |
Douglas Gentile | "Addressing the Digital Skills Gap for Future Education" | Nature Human Behavior |
Timothy S. Wolters | “Harvey A. DeWeerd and the Dawn of Academic Military History in the United States” | Journal of Military History |
L. Alison Phillips and Jacob Meyer | "Group exercise may even be better for you than solo workouts. Here's why" | The Washington Post |
Christina Svec | "Early childhood music research, practice and policy: A COVID-19 collaboration" | International Journal of Music in Early Childhood |
Michelle Schaal | "A Neopicaresque Journey into Queer and Sex-Positivity: Wendy Delorme's Quatrième génération" | Nottingham French Studies |
Jennifer Knox | "Bold Branding and Even Bolder Spice Blends" | The Forrager Podcast |
Lori Biederman | “Microbial substrate stoichiometry governs nutrient effects on nitrogen cycling in grassland soils" | Soil Biology and Biochemistry |
William Carter | "Money, Violence, and the Financialized Self in Michael Haneke's Glaciation Trilogy" | The German Quarterly |
Olga Mesropova | "Faces of Contemporary Russia" | Georgetown University Press |
Douglas Gentile | "Violent Videogames Aren't Ruining Your Kids--but it's Good to Discuss Them" | The Wall Street Journal |
Jeremy Best appeared on "History Against the Grain" podcast | January 29 - "Fatherlands" | History Against the Grain produced by Josh Weiner and Chris Padgett |
Jeremy Best | "Heavenly Fatherland: German Missionary Culture and Globalization in the Age of Empire" | University of Toronto Press |
Amy Erica Smith co-authors Washington Post article | Argentina legalized abortion. Here's how it happened and what it means for Latin America | The Washington Post |
Claus Kadelka | A new COVID-19 model taking into account the tendency to associate with groups who share their same opinions and beliefs | Iowa Public Radio |
Elizabeth Swanner | The biogeochemistry of ferruginous lakes and past ferruginous oceans | Earth-Science Reviews |
David A.M. Peterson | "Macrointerest" | British Journal of Political Science |
Amy Erica Smith quoted in New York Times article | "As Brazil's Covid Crisis Eases, Bolsonaro Sees Rising Popularity" | The New York Times |
Michele Schaal | “Overstepping and Blurring Boundaries: Queer(ing) Autofiction in Wendy Delorme’s La Mere, la Sainte et la Putain.” | Brill |
Michelle Schaal | “From Actions to Words: FEMEN’s Fourth-Wave Manifestos” | French Cultural Studies |
Zhijun Wu | "Why multilingual, and how to keep it - An evolutionary dynamics perspective" | Plos One |
Rachel McKenny | The Butterfly Effect | Penguin Random House |
Stephen Biggs and Heimir Geirsson | The Routledge Handbook of Linguistic Reference | Routledge Taylor & Francis Group |
David A.M. Peterson and Maxwell B. Allamong | Screw Those Guys: Polarization, Empathy, and Attitudes About Out-Partisans | Political Psychology |
Lori Biederman and colleagues | "Increasing Effects of Chronic Nutrient Enrichment on Plant Diversity Loss and Ecosystem Productivity Over Time" | Ecology |
Brooke Arterberry | "Assessment of Changes in Alcohol and Marijuana Abstinence, Co-Use, and Use Disorders Among US Young Adults from 2002 to 2018 | JAMA Pediatrics |
Steve Kawaler | The NASA Kepler Mission | IOP Publishing |
Michael Christopher Low | Imperial Mecca: Ottoman Arabia and the Indian Ocean Hajj | Columbia University Press |
Lori Biederman and colleagues | "Global impacts of fertilization and herbivore removal on soil net nitrogen mineralization are modulated by local climate and soil properties" | Global Change Biology |
David A.M. Peterson | "Trump keeps invoking the 'American Dream.' Americans are pessimistic that they can achieve it." | Washington Post |
Miriam Zach | NPR's Pipedreams Women Working | National Public Radio |
Katherine A. Rafferty and Maeve McGuire | "When Facing Hopeful and Hopeless Experiences: Using Snyder's Hope Theory to Understand Parents' Caregiving Experiences for Their Medically Complex Child" | Journal of Pediatric Healthcare |
Katherine A. Rafferty | "Qualitative Evaluation of a Future Care Planning Program" | Journal of Extension |
David A.M. Peterson | Who Thinks That Latinos Shouldn't Be Able to Vote? | Washington Post |
Lori Biederman and colleagues | “Precipitation contributes to plant height, but not reproductive effort, for western prairie fringed orchid (Platanthera praeclara Sheviak & Bowles): Evidence from herbarium records” | Journal of Ecology and Evolution |
Amy Erica-Smith & Anya Prusa | Building a Sustainable Future in Brazil | Wilson Center |
Karen Kedrowski | Engaging Students In 2020: The Big XII Votes | Forbes |
Christina L. Svec | A meta-analytic perspective on the development of singing in children | Routledge |
James M. McCormick | “Meeting the Challenge of 'America First' and the New Nationalism.” | Canadian Foreign Policy Journal |
Christopher Hopkins | Hopkins featured in New Sounds article | |
David A.M. Peterson | "Dear Reviewer 2: Go F' Yourself" | Social Sciences Quarterly |
Christy Oxendine | "Releasing Liberation: Teaching and Learning in a Women's Prison" | Journal of Critical Thought and Praxis |
David A.M. Peterson | Ignored Racism: White Animus Toward Latinos" | Cambridge University Press |
Katherine A. Rafferty | #AbortionChangesYou: A Case Study to Understand the Communicative Tensions in Women's Medication Abortion Narratives | Health Communication |
Dr. Jim Bovinette | Excerpts from Beethoven's Symphony No. 9 | Project Freude-Joy |
Olga Mesroprova | Kintotalk: 21st Century | Routledge |
Jennifer Knox | Four select works of Poetry | American Poetry Review |
Jennifer Knox | "Mr. Big" | Poetry Magazine |
David A.M. Peterson | Peterson was interviewed for the POD Scholarly Reads series | POD Network |
Gary Wells | Wells will be featured in the documentary series "Innocence Files" | Netflix |
Cason Murphy | “‘Spinning the Wheels of ‘Outrageous Fortune’: Two Attempts at Casting Hamlet by Chance” | Mid-America Theater Conference |
Javier Vela | Mild and Selective Hydrogenation of Nitrate to Ammonia in the Absence of Noble Metals | ACS Catalysis |
Daniel Butler | Understanding How In-prison Experiences Influence Female Offenders’ Maladjustment to Prison | Justice Quarterly |
David A.M. Peterson | How are Iowa Voters Picking Candidates? | Washington Post |
Kirill Kovnir | III-V semiconductors sport clathrate structures | Chemical Engineering & News |
Alissa Stoehr | Canada; Anti-Human Trafficking Organizations; Women Baseball Players in Cuba | Women's Lives Around the World: A Global Encyclopedia |
Alissa Stoehr | Theory and Praxis: Women’s and Gender Studies at Community Colleges | Gival Press |
Young Jin Lee | Residues in fingerprints hold clues to their age | Analytical Chemistry |
Rachel Meyers | "On Her Own: Practices of Female Benefaction in the Western Roman Empire | Ancient Society |
Matthew W. Sivils | Sir Rohan's Ghost. A Romance | Anthem Press |
Mark W. Rectanus | Museums Inside Out | The University of Minnesota Press |
Katherine A. Rafferty | Parents of medically fragile children and their kids could use help, understanding year round. | The Conversation |
Dave Peterson | What Iowa Voters Second Choice Picks Can Tell Us | |
David Peters | The Opioid Hydra: Understanding Overdose Mortality Epidemics and Syndemics Across the Rural‐Urban Continuum | Rural Sociology |
Daniel Krier | Shakespeare's Plays of Deranged Authority: The King's Three Bodies | Fast Capitalism |
Taea Bonner ('20 criminal justice) | Chaotic Homes, Adverse Childhood Experiences and Serious Delinquency: Differential Effects by Race and Ethnicity | Justice Quarterly |
Assistant Professor Christina Svec and Sean Lockard ('22 music) | Behind the research: Dr. Donna Gallo and Formative Singing Assessment Practices | Iowa Music Educator |
Dave Peterson | "Did Hillary Clinton’s criticism help or hurt Tulsi Gabbard’s candidacy?” | The Washington Post’s Monkey Cage |
Jacob Erickson | Meth Cooking as a Job: Identity and Dirty Work | Justice Quarterly |
Dave Peterson | Who Democrats in Early-Primary States Don't Want to See Elected | |
Nicole Allaire | Have you caught a catfish? Online dating can be deceptive | The Conversation |
Nicole Allaire | Building Sexual Misconduct Cases Against Powerful Men | Lexington Books |
Pam Riney-Kehrberg | A Terrible and Special Irony: Hunger on Iowa’s Farms in the Agricultural Crisis of the 1980s | State Historical Society of Iowa |
J. Arbuckle | Adoption of Agricultural Conservation Practices in the United States: Evidence from 35 Years of Quantitative Literature | Journal of Soil and Water Conservation |
Shawn Dorius | Developmental Idealism in Internet Search Data | Sociology of Development |
John Monroe | Charles Ratton, Louis Carre, and the Legendary Auctions of 1931 | Tribal Art |
John Monroe | Restitution and the Logic of the Post-Colonial Nation-State | African Arts |
Tim Wolters | Harvey A. DeWeerd and the Dawn of Academic Military History in the United States | Journal of Military History |
John Monroe | Metropolitan Fetish: African Sculpture and the Imperial French Invention of Primitive Art | Cornell University Press |
Olga Mesroprova | Faces of Contemporary Russia | Georgetown University Press |
Amy Bix | Mastering the Hard Stuff: The History of College Concrete-Canoe Races and the Growth of Engineering Competition Culture | Cornell University Press |
Amy Rutenberg | Rough Draft: Cold War Military Manpower Policy and the Origins of Vietnam-Era Draft Resistance | Cornell University Press |
Daniel Butler | An Examination of Inmate Adjustment Stratified by Time Served in Prison | Journal of Criminal Justice |
Susan Stewart | Multicultural Stepfamilies | Cognella |
Matt DeLisi | Homicidal Ideation and Forensic Psychopathology: Evidence From the 2016 Nationwide Emergency Department Sample (NEDS) | Journal of Forensic Sciences |
Katherine A. Rafferty | You are not alone: Advice giving for parents of children living with complex chronic conditions. | Health Communication |
Katherine A. Rafferty | When black and white medicine turns gray: Exploring the interplay and meaning of discourses about parenting a child with a complex chronic illness | The Qualitative Report |
Daniel Butler | An Examination of the Influence of Exposure to Disciplinary Segregation on Recidivism | Crime & Delinquency Journal |
Jeff Bouffard | Time-Series Analyses of the Impact of Sex Offender Registration and Notification Law Implementation and Subsequent Modifications on Rates of Sexual Offenses | Crime & Delinquency Journal |
Jennifer Knox | Finding a Drawer Full of Drivers' Licenses | The Kenyon Review |
Jan Lauren Boyles | Deciphering Code: How Newsroom Developers Communicate Journalistic Labor | Journalism Studies |
Mark W. Rectanus | Community-Based Museum Ecologies: Public Doors and Windows and Les Nouveaux Commanditaires (‘The New Patrons’) | Museum and Society, Vol 17, No 2 (2019) |
Cason Murphy | “Changing True Rules for Odd Inventions: Three Attempts at Rewriting Shakespeare for Contemporary Audiences” | Aesthetique Journal for International Literary Enterprises |
Ryan D. Sheeler | Ritchie Valens: His Guitars and Music | Centerstream Publishing and Hal Leonard, Inc. |
Kyle A. Burgason | "A Straightforward Approach to CJ Research Methods: Practices, Policies, and Procedures" | Carolina Academic Press |
Matthew Sivils | Transcorporeality and the Pursuit of Happiness in Leonora Sansay’s Laura (1809) | Revue Française d’Etudes Américaines (French Review of American Studies) |
Craig Rood | After Gun Violence: Deliberation and Memory in an Age of Political Gridlock | Penn State University Press |
Maximilian Viatori and Héctor Bombiella | Coastal Lives: Nature, Capital, and the Struggle for Artisanal Fisheries in Peru | The University of Arizona Press |
Charlie Kostelnick | Humanizing Visual Design: The Rhetoric of Human Forms in Practical Communication | Routledge |
Jennifer Knox | Two poems (My Mother Visits Me in Prison & Full House) | Granta Magazine |
Betty Dobratz | Power, Politics, and Society: An Introduction to Political Sociology | Routledge |
Matt DeLisi | Who will kill again? The forensic value of 1st degree murder convictions | Forensic Science International: Synergy |
Ann M. Oberhauser, Daniel Krier & Abdi M. Kusow | Political Moderation and Polarization in the Heartland: Economics, Rurality, and Social Identity in the 2016 U.S. Presidential Election | The Sociological Quarterly |
Amy Erica Smith | Was What Happened in Venezuela a Coup Attempt? | New York Times |
Lucía Suárez | Dancing Bahia | University of Chicago Press |
Bhavika B. Patel, Farrokh Sharifi, Daniel P. Stroud, Reza Montazami, Nicole N. Hashemi, Donald S. Sakaguchi | 3D Microfibrous Scaffolds Selectively Promotes Proliferation and Glial Differentiation of Adult Neural Stem Cells: A Platform to Tune Cellular Behavior in Neural Tissue Engineering | Macromolecular Biosciences |
Amy Erica Smith | What does authoritarianism have to do with Venezuela’s food fight? Everything. | Vox |
Bonar L. Hernández Sandoval | Guatemala's Catholic Revolution: A History of Religious and Social Reform, 1920-1968 | University of Notre Dame Press |
Cason Murphy | Performance review of Rude Mechs' Fixing Troilus and Cressida | Shakespeare Bulletin |
Rachel Meyers | A New Analysis of Antonine Statuary Groups in Roman Spain | American Journal of Archaeology |
Amy J. Rutenberg | What Trump’s Draft Deferments Reveal | The Atlantic |
Michael Low | Desert Dreams of Drinking the Sea, Consumed by the Cold War: Transnational Flows of Desalination and Energy from the Pacific to the Persian Gulf | Environment and History |
Amy Erica Smith | Brazilian media report that police are entering university classrooms to interrogate professors, more... | Vox |
Amy Erica Smith | In Brazil, Jair Bolsonaro’s victory may mean further shifts in tolerance and moderation | The Washington Post |
William H. Carter | Intersections of Money, Debt, and Uncertainty in Rabinovici’s Suche nach M. | German Studies Review |
Mark V. Redmond | Social Decentering: A Theory of Other-Orientation Encompassing Empathy and Perspective-Taking | DeGruyter-Oldenbourg |
Steffen Schmidt | "4 reasons why anti-Trump Latino voters won’t swing the midterms" | The Conversation |
Jennifer L. Knox | "Iowa Bird of Mouth: Keeping a 12-month Crowdsourced Poetry Project in the Air" | American Poetry Review |
Michael Dahlstrom | An Inconvenient Source? Attributes of Science Documentaries and their Effects on Information-Related Behavioral Intentions | Journal of Science Communication |
Tracy Lucht | ‘That Was What I Had to Use’: Social and Cultural Capital in the Careers of Women Broadcasters | Journalism and Mass Communication Quarterly |
Nicole M. Allaire | Constructing Narratives in Response to Trump's Election; How Various Populations Make Sense of an Unexpected Victory | Lexington Books 2018 |
Joel Geske | Creating Inclusive Groups in the Advertising Classroom | Journal of Advertising Education |
Jan Lauren Boyles | Automation and Adaptation: Reshaping Journalistic Labor in the Newsroom Library | Convergence |
Jennifer L. Knox | ‘I really wanted that student to feel censored’: A poetry class confronts slurs, and finds grace | Washington Post |
Gang Han | Influences of audience feedback on news content in traditional and new media: A theoretical evaluation | Peter Lang |
Michael Bugeja | Making the Connection: Aggregate Internship Data as Direct and Indirect Measure Informing Curricula and Assessment | Journalism and Mass Communication Educator |
Daniela V. Dimitrova | On the Border of the Syrian Refugee Crisis: Views From Two Different Cultural Perspectives | American Behavioral Scientist |
Dennis Chamberlin | Photos for "The Simple River-Cleaning Tactics That Big Farms Ignore" | National Geographic |
Jay Newell, Wallapak Tavanapong, and Sherry Berghefer | Teaching Ad Tech: Assessing Collaborative Teaching in an Advertising, Computer Science and Design Course | Journal of Advertising Education |
Mark Nieman | Rising Powers and Foreign Policy Revisionism | University of Michigan Press |
Amy Bix | A Congressional Briefing on Automation and the Workforce | CSPAN3, American History TV |
Jan Lauren Boyles | Newsrooms accommodate data-based news work | Newspaper Research Journal |
Aili Mu | Contemporary Chinese Short-Short Stories: A Parallel Text | Columbia University Press |
Kelly Winfrey | Caucusing: Media Use and Voter Opinions in the 2016 Iowa Caucus | American Behavioral Scientist |
Daniela Dimitrova and Dianne Bystrom | Role of Social Media in the 2016 Caucuses | Journal of Political Marketing |
Jan Lauren Boyles | Laboraties for news? Experimenting with journalism hackathons | Journalism: Theory, Practice & Criticism |
Amy J. Rutenberg | "How the Draft Reshaped America" | New York Times |
Douglas Gentile | Media violence and youth aggression | The Lancet |
Jennifer L. Knox | Various poetry | American Poetry Review, Bennington Review, The Journal, Indolent Books, Open Letters Monthly, Brooklyn Poets Anthology (Brooklyn Arts Press, 2017), Misrepresented People: Poetic Responses to Trump's America (NYQ Books, 2017), The Inquisitive Eater |
Jennifer L. Knox | Iowa Bird of Mouth | |
Michael Bailey | Magic: The Basics | Routledge |
William H. Carter | Spielerische Gedanken: Economic Crisis and Financial Speculation in Hugo Bettauer’s Die Stadt ohne Juden and Its Adaptation by Hans Karl Breslauer | Journal of Austrian Studies |
Michèle Schaal | Une troisième vague féministe et littéraire | Brill |
Tim Wolters | Reading Submarine History | The Submarine Review |
Christina Svec | The effects of instruction on the singing ability of children ages 5 to 11: A meta-analysis | Psychology of Music, 1-14. |
Katherine A. Rafferty | “‘You know the medicine, I know my kid’: Being a parental advocate for children with complex chronic conditions" | Health Communication |
Dara M. Wald | “Understanding the influence of power and empathic perspective–taking on collaborative natural resource management" | Journal of Environmental Management |
James Andrews | Warning Signs: Authoritarian Constraints on Scientific Inquiry in the Recent Past | Social Science Research Council |
Fengrui Hu, postdoctoral research associate in physics and astronomy; Zhe Fei, assistant professor of physics and astronomy; Yilong Luan, doctoral student in physics and astronomy | Imaging exciton-polariton transport in MoSe2 waveguides | Nature Photonics |
Wenyu Huang | Sub-4nm PtZnIntermetallic Nanoparticles for Enhanced Mass and Specific Activities in Catalytics Electrooxidation Reaction; Silica-Encapsulated Pt-Sn Intermetallic Nanoparticles: A Robust Catalytic Platform for Parahydrogen-Induced Polarization of Gases and Liquids | Journal of the American Chemical Society; Angewandte Chemie International Edition |
Evan C. Fricke, Haldre S. Rogers | Mutualistic strategies minimize coextinction in plant–disperser networks | Proceedings of the Royal Society B |
Katherine A. Rafferty | Interviews, recording, and transcribing. In M. Allen (Ed.) | The Sage Encyclopedia of Communication Research Methods |
Lawrence T. McDonnell | “‘The Deceivingest Fellow’: Honor, Respectability, and the Crisis of Character in the Old South" | The Field of Honor: Essays on Southern Character and American Identity |
Kathleen Hilliard | "Bushels of Corn, Tubs of Trouble: Measuring Honor at the Pendleton Farmers' Society, 1823-24" | The Field of Honor: Essays on Southern Character and American Identity |
Ruslan Prozorov | Energy gap evolution across the superconductivity dome in single crystals of (Ba1−xKx)Fe2As2 | Science Advances |
Katherine Rafferty | A Qualitative Application of Problematic Integration Theory: Studying End-of-Life Conversations Between Spouses | Sage Research Methods Cases - Health |
Amy Erica Smith | Electing Women to New Arab Assemblies: The Roles of Gender Ideology, Islam, and Tribalism in Oman | International Political Science Review |
Grant Arndt | Ho-Chunk Powwows and the Politics of Tradition | University of Nebraska Press |
Richard Mansbach | Contemporary American Foreign Policy: Influences, Challenges, and Opportunities; Challenges for America in the Middle East | Sage Publishing |
Pamela Riney-Kehrberg | The Routledge History of Rural America | Routledge |
Charles Kostelnick | Visible Numbers: Essays in the History of Statistical Graphics | Routledge |
Jonathan Hassid | China's Unruly Journalists: How committed professionals are changing the People's Republic | Routledge |