Published and Performed

Table Caption Example
Author Work Publisher
Tiffany Antone and Cason MurphyPresenters and conference leaders2025 Mid-America Theatre Conference
Racheal RubleIntergroup contact, relational solidarity, and cognitive attitudes toward Chinese international studentsJournal of Language and Social Psychology
John LevisIs intonation learnable in the classroom? Evidence from Turkish learners of EnglishLanguage Teaching Research, SAGE Publications Inc
John LevisKey issues in L2 pronunciation research: A look back at 10 years of JSLPJournal of Second Language Pronunciation
Susan StewartWork–family–self-care and day drinking among women during the COVID-19 pandemicAlcohol, Clinical and Experimental Research
Christina SvecParallel-form Reliability of the Online Primary Measures of Music Audition: A Pilot StudyInternational Journal of Music in Early Childhood
Daniela DimitrovaGlobal Journalism: Understanding World Media Systems, Second EditionRowman & Littlefield
Lindsay PreseauEquitable placement assessment in undergraduate German programsTeaching German/Die Unterrichtspraxis
Jeff WheatleyMember SpotlightAmerican Academy of Religion
Shalini SinghAre We Broken Are We Dreaming of a Gulf a Bay Are We Wanting ToThe Coachella Review
Amanda Petefish-Schrag"Puppetry for a Plague Year: A Syllabus?"International Journal of Education and the Arts
Tina A. CoffeltWhich Communication Skills Do I Need? A Multimethod Study of Communication Needs in Construction EngineeringSage and Journal of Business and Technical Communication
Jeffrey Wheatley and Sarah DeesReligion & Politics Panel DiscussionState Historical Society of Iowa
Tonglu LiThe May Fourth Intellectuals and ReligionBrill
Tess NealAPA Journals Editor SpotlightAmerican Psychological Association Journals
Michael GolemoSea Island Spirituals – Songs of the GullahsTimeworks, LLC
Karen KedrowskiThe Palgrave Handbook of Fashion and PoliticsPalgrave Macmillan
Mariana Castro AzpírozSnapshots of the Seasons TheatreStories of the Seasons: a WFAN Zine
Tess NealUnderstanding “error” in the forensic sciences: A primerForensic Science International: Synergy
Tess NealConfirmatory information seeking is robust in psychologists’ diagnostic reasoningLaw and Human Behavior
Jo Mackiewicz, Shaya Kraut, Allison DurazziEditors’ Use of Comprehensive Style Guides: The Case of Singular TheyTechnical Communication Quarterly
Pablo Raúl StingaRegularity Techniques for Elliptic PDEs and the Fractional LaplacianChapman and Hall/CRC Press
Filip ViskupicStates that Vaccinate the MostWalletHub
Shalini SinghGroundglass: An eco-opaque narration for the mind, body, and soulLitro Magazine
Craig A. AndersonThree Subtle Ways Climate Change Degrades Your Mental HealthWebMD
Sarah DeesReligion, Race, and the Limit of EthicsJournal of Religious Ethics
Shalini Ajay Singh Iowa= Gujarat (?)Hayden's Ferry Review
Cason MurphyPandemic Play: Community in Performance, Gaming, & the ArtsPalgrave Macmillan
Michèle Schaal(Breaking out of) heteropatriarchal lockdown: Wendy Delorme’s Viendra le temps du feuJournal of Gender Studies
Lindsay PreseauThe Cincinnati Runestone: Origins, Inscription, and Transcultural ContextFuthark: International Journal of Runic Studies
Pablo Raúl StingaLecture: “Abel, Caffarelli and fractional nonlocal equations"Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences
Shalini Ajay SinghAstroLive Wire
Shalini Ajay SinghOpprobriumBerkely Poetry Review
Shalini Ajay SinghRemembering an atom timeSUSPECT (Singapore Unbound)
Sarah DeesSpiritual Healing for Sale: Medical Pluralism and the Commodification of Native American Healing TraditionsRoutledge
Lindsay PreseauGender Inclusivity Across the Curriculum: An Exploration of Novice and Advanced Course Content through Student PerspectiveMultilingualism Matters
Michael GolemoAll Things ConsideredNPR
Bonar L. HernándezGuatemala’s anti-corruption leader-to-be could be prevented from taking office, deepening migration concerns for USThe Conversation
Mariana Castro AzpírozCiencia en femenino: una revisión desde los aportes de las mujeresUniversidad de Guanajuato/Fides Ediciones
Katherine RaffertyMedication Abortion and abortion pill reversal: An exploratory analysis on the influence of others in women’s decision-makingCureus
David Peterson, Eleanor Chalstrom, Hailey Stone, Dylan Miller, Jonathan ZugayHow is congressional dysfunction playing in Davenport?Tusk
Michèle SchaalBermudes de Claire Legendre : (s’)échouer dans la modernité liquideQuébec Studies
David Peterson, Eleanor Chalstrom, Hailey Stone, Dylan Miller, Jonathan ZugayWhy isn’t Donald Trump doing better?Tusk
David Peterson, Eleanor Chalstrom, Hailey Stone, Dylan Miller, Jonathan ZugayCandidates got them feeling emotionsTusk
Lindsay PreseauLinguistic Precarity in German Film: Discourses of Appropriateness in 'German Class' and 'Welcome to Germany'Bloomsbury
Michèle A SchaalClaire Legendre : 'Parler du pire est une question de santé mentale collective'Women in French Studies
Tess NealEditor-in-Chief: Psychology, Public Policy, and LawAmerican Psychological Association
Burak SenelSuccessful Use of ChatGPT in the ClassroomSage Publishing
Katherine RaffertyUnderstanding women’s communication with their providers during medication abortion and abortion pill reversal: An exploratory analysis92nd Annual Catholic Medical Association Conference
Katherine RaffertyThe effects of abortion decision rightness and decision type on women’s satisfaction and mental healthCureus
Katherine RaffertyUnderstanding women’s communication with their providers during medication abortion and abortion pill reversal: An exploratory analysisThe Linacre Quarterly
Christina SvecMeeting the social and emotional needs of P-12 learners: A descriptive study of music teacher education programsJournal of Research in Music Education
Karen KedrowskiWalking the Gendered Tightrope: Theresa May and Nancy Pelosi as Legislative LeadersUniversity of Michigan Press
Christina SvecElementary General Music: Perceptions and Aspirations of Preservice Music TeachersJournal of Music Teacher Education
Cason MurphyEducation in Crisis: Lessons from TodayGIRES Press
Jeremy BestThe Kaiser’s Silver: German Nationalism and the 1913 Nationalspende for Christian MissionGerman History
Rochelle Raineri ZuckWilliam Apess's Indian Nullification: Narrating Mashpee Wampanoag Sovereignty in Nineteenth-Century America and BeyondEarly American Literature
Tracy LuchtThe Routledge Companion to American Journalism HistoryRoutledge
Chad Cardani-TrollingerUsing the Sustainable Development Goals in Undergraduate Leadership ProgramsNew Directions for Student Leadership
Matthew SivilsIntroduction: The Proliferation of the EcogothicStudies in American Fiction
Matthew Sivils‘Some Dark Imagined Sculptor:’ Hawthorne’s Ecogothic RocksNathaniel Hawthorne Review
Craig A. AndersonQuoted, "Can the First Amendment bend to help teens fixated on social media?"USA Today Network (Gannett)
Michèle SchaalPenser le triangle littéraire, la trilogie Bermudes de Claire LegendreFrench Review
Jacqueline E. Reber and Kimberly MossScience Communication That Goes Beyond WordsEos
Christopher Hopkins Arched Interiors IIConcerts from the Library of Congress
Pablo Raúl StingaFractional Derivatives: Fourier, Elephants, Memory Effects, Viscoelastic Materials, and Anomalous DiffusionsNotices of the American Mathematical Society
Lucía SuárezBuilding Latina/o/x Studies: Case Samples from the MidwestDiálogo
Matthew DeLisiTed Bundy and The Unsolved Murder Epidemic: The Dark Figure of CrimePalgrave Macmillan
Lucia SuarezDançando Bahia: ensaios sobre danças afro-brasileiras, educação, memoria e raçaFederal University of Bahia Press
Cason Murphy“No Longer ‘Merely Players’: Porting the Elements of Theatre into Video Gaming”Video Games as a Common Ground International Conference and the Live Performance and Video Gaming International Conference
Michael BugejaIf AI kills the essay, I will be a pallbearer at the funeralPoynter
Derek FranklinRestoring the Balance: What Wolves Tell Us About Our Relationship with NatureJournal of Mammalogy
Derek FranklinPolicy process and problem framing for state nutrient reduction strategies in the U.S. Upper Mississippi River basinJournal of Soil and Water Conservation
Katherine DentzmanApplying the feminist agrifood systems theory (fast) to U.S. organic, value-added, and non-organic non-value-added farmsAgriculture and Human Values
Matthew DeLisiPsychopathy among condemned capital murderersJournal of Forensic Sciences
Katherine DentzmanGovernance of emerging pests and pathogens in production landscapes: Pesticide resistance and collaborative governanceCurrent Opinion in Environmental Sustainability
Katherine Dentzman"Academics and the ‘easy button’: Lessons from pesticide resistance management"Agriculture and Human Values
Rochelle Raineri ZuckWho Wrote The Female American?: The Noble Brothers, Circulating Libraries, and the Eighteenth-Century NovelELH (English Literary History)
Manisha Sharma…समत्वं योग उच्यते, …samatvam yoga ucyate (Bhagavad Gita, Chapter 2, Verse 48) Equilibrium is yogaThe Amethyst Review
Megan J. Myers“¿Cómo no publicarlas?”: Looking Beyond Editora Taller’s Trio of Haitian-Authored Novels.”Journal of Haitian Studies
Michèle A Schaal“Une Affirmation politique: Despentes essayiste.” Irish Journal of French Studies
Craig AndersonQuoted, "Hotter days bring out hotter tempers, research finds"The Washington Post
Jeremy BestThe Last Powerpoint: Teaching World War II With the HolocaustTeaching Military History
Michele Schaal“Polyphony as Intersectional Inquiry and Praxis: Wendy Delorme’s Le Corps est une chimère”CFC - Intersections
Mitch Recker, Cora Benker, Eric Swart, Gracie Johnson and Dr. Tina Coffelt "Igniting Interest in Undergraduate Research Methods" Iowa Communication Association Conference
Pamela Riney-Kehrberg"When a Dream Dies: Agriculture, Iowa, and the Farm Crisis of the 1980s"University Press of Kansas
Sarah Dees “Religion on the Brink: Settler-Colonial Knowledge Production in the US Census” NYU Press
Jonathan SturmSolo viola performance with Central Iowa SymphonyCentral Iowa Symphony
Karen Kedrowski Several chapters in the book "Strategies for Navigating Graduate School and Beyond"American Political Science Association
Margaret R. LaWareInvited to speak at American Council of Learned Societies workshop at North Carolina UniversityAmerican Council of Learned Societies
Michael Golemo"Leo's Song," "Hampton March," and "Jingle Bells (For Everyone)"Timeworks, LLC
Susan Stewart"On the Rocks: Straight talk about women and drinking"Rowan & Littlefield
Daniela DimitrovaDelivered keynote address "Global Journalism in Times of Change"World Journalism Education Council congress
Matt Sivils"Environmental Apocalypse and The Crater""Approaches to Teaching the Novels of James Fenimore Cooper"
Matt Sivils“Monstrous Stewardship and the Plantation in Chesnutt’s ‘The Goophered Grapevine'"Routledge
Matt Sivils"'That Noisome and Contagious Receptacle': Quarantine and Horror in Charles Brockden Brown’s ‘The Man at Home’”Taylor & Francis
Allison DurazziDelivered presentation "The Case for Supplemental Style Guides"International Professional Communication Conference
Ann Oberhauser“Work in Progress: Transforming Spaces in Feminist Economic Geography” International Geographical Union Commission on Gender and Geography
Yuyu ZhouLight pollution is disrupting the seasonal rhythms of plants and trees, lengthening pollen season in US citiesThe Conversation
Michael Bugeja Several articles publishedPoynter Institute, The Department Chair, Iowa Capital Dispatch and Des Moines Register
Thomas Iadecola“Digital quantum simulation of Floquet symmetry-protected topological phases”Nature
Leslie GinderSelected to present at Career Professionals of Iowa conference Career Professionals of Iowa
Craig Anderson Expert panelist on “Media Violence and its Impact on Youth” webinarAsk the Experts
Douglas Gentile "Finding the Freedom to Get Unstuck and Be Happier" Penguin Books
Deb MarquartAppeared on Iowa Public Radio "Talk of Iowa" programIowa Public Radio
Peter Orazem "How relative marginal tax rates affect establishment entry at state borders"Small Business Economics
Cason MurphyInternational conference presentationsInterdisciplinary Humanities Center at University of California, Santa Barbara, and Global Institute for Research Education and Scholarship
Jo Mackiewicz“Welding Technical Communication: Teaching and Learning Embodied Knowledge”SUNY Press
James T. Andrews and Margaret R. LaWare"Art of the Global City"Oxford/NYC: Peter Lang
Craig Anderson"Does Laughing at TV violence mean you have a dark personality? New psychological research weighs in" Forbes Magazine
Terry Kruse quoted in Iowa Department of Education article"Students shine with transfer majors"Iowa Department of Education
Hridesh Rajan"An Experiential Introduction to Principles of Programming Languages"MIT Press
Grant Arndt“The Indian’s White Man: Indigenous Knowledge, Mutual Understanding, and the Politics of Indigenous Reason”Current Anthropology
Julia Domíngues“Quixotic Memories: Cervantes and Memory in Early Modern Spain” University of Toronto Press
Karen Kedrowski"Integrating Civic Engagement Into Scholarly Reward Systems"PS: Political Science & Politics
Ryan D. Sheeler "Ritchie Valens Songbook: Hits and B-Sides"Centerstream Publications
Karen Kedrowski"Performing Toxic Masculinity During the January 6th Insurrection"eJournal of Public Affairs
Tiffany Antone and Cason MurphyMid-America Theatre ConferenceMid-America Theatre Conference
Craig A. Anderson and Andreas Miles-Novelo"Climate Change and Human Behavior: Impacts of a Rapidly Changing Climate on Human Aggression and Violence"Cambridge University Press
Christian CarichnerBook chapter: "The School Marching Band Program" Routledge Publications
Christina Svec"The Academic Support Group: Peer-Mentoring Experiences of Early-Career Music Teacher Educators," "At the Intersection of Belief & Practice: A Mixed-Methods Study of Elementary General Music Educator Praxis," " Music Aptitude and Music Achievement: A Meta-Analysis"Visions of Research in Music Education; Psychology of Music; Proceedings of the 28th International Seminar of the International Society for Music Education Research Commission
Cason MurphyReview of Shakespeare’s "As You Like It" produced by Flagstaff Shakespeare FestivalShakespeare Bulletin
William Gallus"Hurricane-force wind gusts in Colorado, dust storms in Kansas, tornadoes in Iowa in December – here’s what fueled a day of extreme storms"The Conversation
Tina Coffelt"Interpersonal Sexual Communication across the Lifespan"Peter Lang Group
Katherine A Rafferty, Tina Coffelt and Nicole Miller"Understanding Criteria that Predict Private Health Information Disclosures between Emerging Adults and Their Parents"Western Journal of Communication
Chad Hart"Iowa Press" episode "Agriculture economics and climate"Iowa PBS
Md Rafiul Islam, Audrey McCombs and Claus Kadelka Comparing 17.5 million options shows CDC got COVID vaccine rollout rightFuturity
Audrey McCombs and Claus Kadelka"US vaccine rollout was close to optimal at reducing deaths and infections, according to a model comparing 17.5 million alternative approaches"The Conversation
Steven Hall"Climate scientists warn soil carbon storage could worsen global warming due to nitrous oxide emissions"Yahoo News
Douglas Gentile"Netflix’s ‘Squid Game’ sparks concern about violent impact on kids"Washington Times
Jeremy Best"Framing political violence as patriotic is even more dangerous than it sounds"Washington Post
Tonglu Li"Building a Cultural Scaffolding for Calligraphy Learning"University Calligraphy
Shenglan Zhang"A systematic review of pedagogical research on teaching Chinese as a foreign language in the United States – from 1960 to 2020"Chinese as a Second Language Research
Craig Rood quoted as an expert source"Guys and guns: Why men are behind the vast majority of America's gun violence"ABC News
Dave Swenson"John Deere Workers Hit the Picket Lines as Company Expected to Report Record Profits"Newsweek
Stacey Weber-Fève"Belonging and Distantiation: Reading Marjane Satrapi and Vincent Paronnaud’s Poulet aux prunes in Relation to Cinéma-monde”Journal of Cinema and Media Studies
Shenglan Zhang"Seamless Integration Between Online and Face-to-Face: The Design and Perception of a Flipped-Blended Language Course"International Journal of Computer-Assisted Language Learning and Teaching
Nell Gabiam and Luan Nguyen"Perception of the Culture of Disengagement by Minoritized Engineering Students" American Society for Engineering Education
Megan Myers"The Border of Lights Reader"Amherst College Press
Janci BronsonOpen-Access Piano EducationYouTube
Matthew Hufford"De novo assembly, annotation, and comparative analysis of 26 diverse maize genomes"Science
Julie Courtwright and Pamela Riney-Kehrberg"The Dust Bowl Offers Key Climate Change Lessons for the U.S."Teen Vogue
Wu Zhijun"Social Distancing is a Social Dilemma Game Played by Every Individual Against His/Her Population"PLOS ONE
Miriam Zach"Kaleidoscope of Colors, A Festival of Pipes"Organ Historical Society
Andrew Somerville"Why Is Your Pet Rabbit Of European Descent? Researchers Have A Possible Explanation"Forbes Magazine
Cason Murphy"The World at Play: Performance from the Audience's Perspective"Kendall Hunt Publishing Company
Charlie Nagle"Doing L2 speech research online: Why and how to collect online ratings data" Studies in Second Language Acquisition
Katherine A. Rafferty"Mothers’ Support Preferences With Their Chronically Ill Child’s Health Care Team"Western Journal of Nursing Research
Amy Eric Smith"Latin America Erupts: When Does Competitive Authoritarianism Take Root?"The Journal of Democracy
John Winters"Skip college? Not if you want to make more money"The Washington Post
Ann Olberhauser"Expanding opportunities for women and economic uncertainty are both factors in declining U.S. fertility rates"The Conversation
Michael Bailey"Muslims in Medieval Inquisitorial Thought: Nicolau Eymeric and His Contexts"Church History
Andrew Somerville"Why Were New World Rabbits Not Domesticated?"Animal Frontiers
Julia Dominguez"Cervantes and the Mother of the Muses: Views of Memory in Early Modern Spain" "Cervantes and the Early Modern Mind"
Shenglan Zhang"Self-efficacy within an individualized approach to improving language learners’ self-regulated learning strategies" Routledge Taylor and Francis Group
Matthew Sivils“The African American Ecogothic of E. Levi Brown’s ‘At the Hermitage.’”Studies in American Fiction
Daniela V. Dimitrova "Global Journalism: Understanding World Media Systems"Rowman & Littlefield Publishers
Julia Dominguez“Imaginar mundos: Memoria y ciencia ficción en la obra de Cervantes”Cervantes: Journal of the Cervantes Society of America
Amy Erica Smith"Brazil's president is rallying his base--so that he can expand his power"The Washington Post
Dara Wald"Advancing a Cross Boundary Social Science of Trust in Natural Resource Management"Frontiers in Communication
John Grundy"How learning a language changes your brain"Discover Magazine
Ilma Jahic"Psychopathy and Violent Video Game Playing: Multiple Associations in a Juvenile Justice System Involved Sample"Aggressive Behavior
Sarah Dees"US landmarks bearing racist and Colonial references are renamed to reflect Indigenous values"The Conversation
Richard W. Mansbach"Populism and Globalism: The Return of Nationalism and the Global Liberal Order"Palgrave Macmillan
Kate Padgett-Walsh"Student loan debt is costing recent grads much more than just money"The Conversation
Charlie Nagle"The Effect of Speaker Proficiency on Intelligibility, Comprehensibility, and Accentedness in L2 Spanish: A Conceptual Replication and Extension of Munro and Derwing" Language Learning
Leana Bouffard, Jeff Bouffard"Still in the Shadows: Stalking Prosecution Rates’ Unresponsiveness to Increased Legislative Attention"Journal of Criminal Justice
Abdi Kusow"Slavery and the Slave Trade within and across the Red Sea Region: A Preliminary Conceptual Framework"Slavery, Resistance and Abolitions: A Pluralist Perspective
Abdi Kusow, Matthew DeLisi"Attitudes Toward Immigration as a Sense of Group Position"The Sociological Quarterly
Michael Dahlstrom "The narrative truth about scientific misinformation" Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
Susan Stewart“COVID-19, Coronavirus-Related Anxiety, and Changes in Women’s Alcohol Use”Journal of Gynecology and Women’s Health
Karen Kedrowski"Students' perceptions of experiential learning in a political events course: A case study from Iowa"Journal of Convention & Event Tourism
Amy Erica Smith quoted in New York Times articleBrazil's Armed Forces Chiefs Resign Abruptly Amid Cabinet Shake UpThe New York Times
Charlie Nagle"Beyond Linguistic Features: Exploring Behavioral and Affective Correlates of Comprehensible Second Language SpeecCambridge University Press
Chong Wang, Dapeng Hu, Paul Morris, Jeffrey Zimmerman, Ting-Yu Cheng“Active regional surveillance for early detection of exotic/emerging pathogens of swine: A comparison of statistical methods for farm selection” Journal of Preventative Veterinary Medicine
Michael BugejaSeveral articles publishedProfiles in Diversity Journal, Poynter Institute, Iowa Capital Dispatch and Des Moines Register
Jan Lauren Boyles“Opportunities and Challenges: Professional Development Programming in Media and Communication Education”Journalism & Mass Communication Educator
Kelly Winfrey“Engaging in Political Talk on Facebook: Investigating the Role of Interpersonal Goals and Cognitive Engagement”Communication Studies
Dara Wald"Who are American Evangelical Protestants and Why Do They Matter for US Climate Policy?"WIREs Climate Change
Dara Wald“The Role of Scientific Source Credibility and Goodwill in Public Skepticism Toward GM Foods”Environmental Communication (2020)
Sebastian Braun"Introduction to American Indian Studies: Policies, Histories, and Contemporary Issues"Kendall Hunt Publishing
Alexander Holt"This is a Simile Precarious Imagery in the Third Book About Achim" in Johnson-Jahrbuch 27 (2021)Wallstein Verlag
Matthew DeLisi"The Dark Figure of Sexual Offending: A Replication and Extension"Behavioral Sciences and the Law
Michael Golemo"USER X"Timeworks LLC Publishing
Michael Golemo"March of the Samurai"Timeworks LLC Publishing
Douglas Gentile"Addressing the Digital Skills Gap for Future Education"Nature Human Behavior
Timothy S. Wolters“Harvey A. DeWeerd and the Dawn of Academic Military History in the United States”Journal of Military History
L. Alison Phillips and Jacob Meyer"Group exercise may even be better for you than solo workouts. Here's why"The Washington Post
Christina Svec"Early childhood music research, practice and policy: A COVID-19 collaboration"International Journal of Music in Early Childhood
Michelle Schaal"A Neopicaresque Journey into Queer and Sex-Positivity: Wendy Delorme's Quatrième génération"Nottingham French Studies
Jennifer Knox"Bold Branding and Even Bolder Spice Blends" The Forrager Podcast
Lori Biederman“Microbial substrate stoichiometry governs nutrient effects on nitrogen cycling in grassland soils"Soil Biology and Biochemistry
William Carter"Money, Violence, and the Financialized Self in Michael Haneke's Glaciation Trilogy"The German Quarterly
Olga Mesropova"Faces of Contemporary Russia"Georgetown University Press
Douglas Gentile"Violent Videogames Aren't Ruining Your Kids--but it's Good to Discuss Them"The Wall Street Journal
Jeremy Best appeared on "History Against the Grain" podcastJanuary 29 - "Fatherlands"History Against the Grain produced by Josh Weiner and Chris Padgett
Jeremy Best"Heavenly Fatherland: German Missionary Culture and Globalization in the Age of Empire"University of Toronto Press
Amy Erica Smith co-authors Washington Post articleArgentina legalized abortion. Here's how it happened and what it means for Latin AmericaThe Washington Post
Claus KadelkaA new COVID-19 model taking into account the tendency to associate with groups who share their same opinions and beliefsIowa Public Radio
Elizabeth SwannerThe biogeochemistry of ferruginous lakes and past ferruginous oceansEarth-Science Reviews
David A.M. Peterson"Macrointerest"British Journal of Political Science
Amy Erica Smith quoted in New York Times article"As Brazil's Covid Crisis Eases, Bolsonaro Sees Rising Popularity"The New York Times
Michele Schaal“Overstepping and Blurring Boundaries: Queer(ing) Autofiction in Wendy Delorme’s La Mere, la Sainte et la Putain.”Brill
Michelle Schaal“From Actions to Words: FEMEN’s Fourth-Wave Manifestos”French Cultural Studies
Zhijun Wu"Why multilingual, and how to keep it - An evolutionary dynamics perspective"Plos One
Rachel McKennyThe Butterfly EffectPenguin Random House
Stephen Biggs and Heimir GeirssonThe Routledge Handbook of Linguistic ReferenceRoutledge Taylor & Francis Group
David A.M. Peterson and Maxwell B. AllamongScrew Those Guys: Polarization, Empathy, and Attitudes About Out-PartisansPolitical Psychology
Lori Biederman and colleagues"Increasing Effects of Chronic Nutrient Enrichment on Plant Diversity Loss and Ecosystem Productivity Over Time"Ecology
Brooke Arterberry"Assessment of Changes in Alcohol and Marijuana Abstinence, Co-Use, and Use Disorders Among US Young Adults from 2002 to 2018JAMA Pediatrics
Steve KawalerThe NASA Kepler MissionIOP Publishing
Michael Christopher LowImperial Mecca: Ottoman Arabia and the Indian Ocean HajjColumbia University Press
Lori Biederman and colleagues"Global impacts of fertilization and herbivore removal on soil net nitrogen mineralization are modulated by local climate and soil properties"Global Change Biology
David A.M. Peterson"Trump keeps invoking the 'American Dream.' Americans are pessimistic that they can achieve it." Washington Post
Miriam ZachNPR's Pipedreams Women Working National Public Radio
Katherine A. Rafferty and Maeve McGuire"When Facing Hopeful and Hopeless Experiences: Using Snyder's Hope Theory to Understand Parents' Caregiving Experiences for Their Medically Complex Child"Journal of Pediatric Healthcare
Katherine A. Rafferty"Qualitative Evaluation of a Future Care Planning Program"Journal of Extension
David A.M. PetersonWho Thinks That Latinos Shouldn't Be Able to Vote?Washington Post
Lori Biederman and colleagues“Precipitation contributes to plant height, but not reproductive effort, for western prairie fringed orchid (Platanthera praeclara Sheviak & Bowles): Evidence from herbarium records”Journal of Ecology and Evolution
Amy Erica-Smith & Anya PrusaBuilding a Sustainable Future in BrazilWilson Center
Karen KedrowskiEngaging Students In 2020: The Big XII VotesForbes
Christina L. SvecA meta-analytic perspective on the development of singing in childrenRoutledge
James M. McCormick“Meeting the Challenge of 'America First' and the New Nationalism.”Canadian Foreign Policy Journal
Christopher HopkinsHopkins featured in New Sounds
David A.M. Peterson"Dear Reviewer 2: Go F' Yourself"Social Sciences Quarterly
Christy Oxendine"Releasing Liberation: Teaching and Learning in a Women's Prison"Journal of Critical Thought and Praxis
David A.M. PetersonIgnored Racism: White Animus Toward Latinos" Cambridge University Press
Katherine A. Rafferty#AbortionChangesYou: A Case Study to Understand the Communicative Tensions in Women's Medication Abortion NarrativesHealth Communication
Dr. Jim BovinetteExcerpts from Beethoven's Symphony No. 9Project Freude-Joy
Olga MesroprovaKintotalk: 21st CenturyRoutledge
Jennifer KnoxFour select works of PoetryAmerican Poetry Review
Jennifer Knox"Mr. Big" Poetry Magazine
David A.M. PetersonPeterson was interviewed for the POD Scholarly Reads seriesPOD Network
Gary WellsWells will be featured in the documentary series "Innocence Files"Netflix
Cason Murphy“‘Spinning the Wheels of ‘Outrageous Fortune’: Two Attempts at Casting Hamlet by Chance”Mid-America Theater Conference
Javier VelaMild and Selective Hydrogenation of Nitrate to Ammonia in the Absence of Noble MetalsACS Catalysis
Daniel ButlerUnderstanding How In-prison Experiences Influence Female Offenders’ Maladjustment to PrisonJustice Quarterly
David A.M. PetersonHow are Iowa Voters Picking Candidates?Washington Post
Kirill KovnirIII-V semiconductors sport clathrate structuresChemical Engineering & News
Alissa StoehrCanada; Anti-Human Trafficking Organizations; Women Baseball Players in CubaWomen's Lives Around the World: A Global Encyclopedia
Alissa StoehrTheory and Praxis: Women’s and Gender Studies at Community CollegesGival Press
Young Jin LeeResidues in fingerprints hold clues to their ageAnalytical Chemistry
Rachel Meyers"On Her Own: Practices of Female Benefaction in the Western Roman EmpireAncient Society
Matthew W. SivilsSir Rohan's Ghost. A RomanceAnthem Press
Mark W. RectanusMuseums Inside OutThe University of Minnesota Press
Katherine A. RaffertyParents of medically fragile children and their kids could use help, understanding year round.The Conversation
Dave PetersonWhat Iowa Voters Second Choice Picks Can Tell
David PetersThe Opioid Hydra: Understanding Overdose Mortality Epidemics and Syndemics Across the Rural‐Urban ContinuumRural Sociology
Daniel KrierShakespeare's Plays of Deranged Authority: The King's Three BodiesFast Capitalism
Taea Bonner ('20 criminal justice)Chaotic Homes, Adverse Childhood Experiences and Serious Delinquency: Differential Effects by Race and EthnicityJustice Quarterly
Assistant Professor Christina Svec and Sean Lockard ('22 music)Behind the research: Dr. Donna Gallo and Formative Singing Assessment PracticesIowa Music Educator
Dave Peterson"Did Hillary Clinton’s criticism help or hurt Tulsi Gabbard’s candidacy?”The Washington Post’s Monkey Cage
Jacob EricksonMeth Cooking as a Job: Identity and Dirty WorkJustice Quarterly
Dave PetersonWho Democrats in Early-Primary States Don't Want to See
Nicole AllaireHave you caught a catfish? Online dating can be deceptiveThe Conversation
Nicole AllaireBuilding Sexual Misconduct Cases Against Powerful MenLexington Books
Pam Riney-KehrbergA Terrible and Special Irony: Hunger on Iowa’s Farms in the Agricultural Crisis of the 1980sState Historical Society of Iowa
J. ArbuckleAdoption of Agricultural Conservation Practices in the United States: Evidence from 35 Years of Quantitative LiteratureJournal of Soil and Water Conservation
Shawn DoriusDevelopmental Idealism in Internet Search DataSociology of Development
John MonroeCharles Ratton, Louis Carre, and the Legendary Auctions of 1931Tribal Art
John MonroeRestitution and the Logic of the Post-Colonial Nation-StateAfrican Arts
Tim WoltersHarvey A. DeWeerd and the Dawn of Academic Military History in the United StatesJournal of Military History
John MonroeMetropolitan Fetish: African Sculpture and the Imperial French Invention of Primitive ArtCornell University Press
Olga MesroprovaFaces of Contemporary Russia Georgetown University Press
Amy BixMastering the Hard Stuff: The History of College Concrete-Canoe Races and the Growth of Engineering Competition CultureCornell University Press
Amy RutenbergRough Draft: Cold War Military Manpower Policy and the Origins of Vietnam-Era Draft ResistanceCornell University Press
Daniel ButlerAn Examination of Inmate Adjustment Stratified by Time Served in PrisonJournal of Criminal Justice
Susan StewartMulticultural StepfamiliesCognella
Matt DeLisiHomicidal Ideation and Forensic Psychopathology: Evidence From the 2016 Nationwide Emergency Department Sample (NEDS)Journal of Forensic Sciences
Katherine A. RaffertyYou are not alone: Advice giving for parents of children living with complex chronic conditions.Health Communication
Katherine A. RaffertyWhen black and white medicine turns gray: Exploring the interplay and meaning of discourses about parenting a child with a complex chronic illnessThe Qualitative Report
Daniel ButlerAn Examination of the Influence of Exposure to Disciplinary Segregation on RecidivismCrime & Delinquency Journal
Jeff BouffardTime-Series Analyses of the Impact of Sex Offender Registration and Notification Law Implementation and Subsequent Modifications on Rates of Sexual OffensesCrime & Delinquency Journal
Jennifer KnoxFinding a Drawer Full of Drivers' LicensesThe Kenyon Review
Jan Lauren BoylesDeciphering Code: How Newsroom Developers Communicate Journalistic LaborJournalism Studies
Mark W. RectanusCommunity-Based Museum Ecologies: Public Doors and Windows and Les Nouveaux Commanditaires (‘The New Patrons’)Museum and Society, Vol 17, No 2 (2019)
Cason Murphy“Changing True Rules for Odd Inventions: Three Attempts at Rewriting Shakespeare for Contemporary Audiences”Aesthetique Journal for International Literary Enterprises
Ryan D. SheelerRitchie Valens: His Guitars and MusicCenterstream Publishing and Hal Leonard, Inc.
Kyle A. Burgason "A Straightforward Approach to CJ Research Methods: Practices, Policies, and Procedures"Carolina Academic Press
Matthew SivilsTranscorporeality and the Pursuit of Happiness in Leonora Sansay’s Laura (1809)Revue Française d’Etudes Américaines (French Review of American Studies)
Craig RoodAfter Gun Violence: Deliberation and Memory in an Age of Political GridlockPenn State University Press
Maximilian Viatori and Héctor BombiellaCoastal Lives: Nature, Capital, and the Struggle for Artisanal Fisheries in PeruThe University of Arizona Press
Charlie KostelnickHumanizing Visual Design: The Rhetoric of Human Forms in Practical CommunicationRoutledge
Jennifer KnoxTwo poems (My Mother Visits Me in Prison & Full House)Granta Magazine
Betty DobratzPower, Politics, and Society: An Introduction to Political SociologyRoutledge
Matt DeLisiWho will kill again? The forensic value of 1st degree murder convictionsForensic Science International: Synergy
Ann M. Oberhauser, Daniel Krier & Abdi M. Kusow Political Moderation and Polarization in the Heartland: Economics, Rurality, and Social Identity in the 2016 U.S. Presidential ElectionThe Sociological Quarterly
Amy Erica SmithWas What Happened in Venezuela a Coup Attempt?New York Times
Lucía SuárezDancing BahiaUniversity of Chicago Press
Bhavika B. Patel, Farrokh Sharifi, Daniel P. Stroud, Reza Montazami, Nicole N. Hashemi, Donald S. Sakaguchi3D Microfibrous Scaffolds Selectively Promotes Proliferation and Glial Differentiation of Adult Neural Stem Cells: A Platform to Tune Cellular Behavior in Neural Tissue EngineeringMacromolecular Biosciences
Amy Erica SmithWhat does authoritarianism have to do with Venezuela’s food fight? Everything.Vox
Bonar L. Hernández SandovalGuatemala's Catholic Revolution: A History of Religious and Social Reform, 1920-1968University of Notre Dame Press
Cason MurphyPerformance review of Rude Mechs' Fixing Troilus and Cressida Shakespeare Bulletin
Rachel MeyersA New Analysis of Antonine Statuary Groups in Roman SpainAmerican Journal of Archaeology
Amy J. RutenbergWhat Trump’s Draft Deferments RevealThe Atlantic
Michael LowDesert Dreams of Drinking the Sea, Consumed by the Cold War: Transnational Flows of Desalination and Energy from the Pacific to the Persian GulfEnvironment and History
Amy Erica SmithBrazilian media report that police are entering university classrooms to interrogate professors, more...Vox
Amy Erica SmithIn Brazil, Jair Bolsonaro’s victory may mean further shifts in tolerance and moderationThe Washington Post
William H. CarterIntersections of Money, Debt, and Uncertainty in Rabinovici’s Suche nach M.German Studies Review
Mark V. RedmondSocial Decentering: A Theory of Other-Orientation Encompassing Empathy and Perspective-TakingDeGruyter-Oldenbourg
Steffen Schmidt"4 reasons why anti-Trump Latino voters won’t swing the midterms"The Conversation
Jennifer L. Knox"Iowa Bird of Mouth: Keeping a 12-month Crowdsourced Poetry Project in the Air"American Poetry Review
Michael DahlstromAn Inconvenient Source? Attributes of Science Documentaries and their Effects on Information-Related Behavioral IntentionsJournal of Science Communication
Tracy Lucht‘That Was What I Had to Use’: Social and Cultural Capital in the Careers of Women BroadcastersJournalism and Mass Communication Quarterly
Nicole M. AllaireConstructing Narratives in Response to Trump's Election; How Various Populations Make Sense of an Unexpected VictoryLexington Books 2018
Joel GeskeCreating Inclusive Groups in the Advertising ClassroomJournal of Advertising Education
Jan Lauren BoylesAutomation and Adaptation: Reshaping Journalistic Labor in the Newsroom LibraryConvergence
Jennifer L. Knox‘I really wanted that student to feel censored’: A poetry class confronts slurs, and finds graceWashington Post
Gang HanInfluences of audience feedback on news content in traditional and new media: A theoretical evaluationPeter Lang
Michael BugejaMaking the Connection: Aggregate Internship Data as Direct and Indirect Measure Informing Curricula and AssessmentJournalism and Mass Communication Educator
Daniela V. DimitrovaOn the Border of the Syrian Refugee Crisis: Views From Two Different Cultural PerspectivesAmerican Behavioral Scientist
Dennis ChamberlinPhotos for "The Simple River-Cleaning Tactics That Big Farms Ignore"National Geographic
Jay Newell, Wallapak Tavanapong, and Sherry BergheferTeaching Ad Tech: Assessing Collaborative Teaching in an Advertising, Computer Science and Design CourseJournal of Advertising Education
Mark NiemanRising Powers and Foreign Policy RevisionismUniversity of Michigan Press
Amy BixA Congressional Briefing on Automation and the WorkforceCSPAN3, American History TV
Jan Lauren BoylesNewsrooms accommodate data-based news workNewspaper Research Journal
Aili MuContemporary Chinese Short-Short Stories: A Parallel TextColumbia University Press
Kelly WinfreyCaucusing: Media Use and Voter Opinions in the 2016 Iowa CaucusAmerican Behavioral Scientist
Daniela Dimitrova and Dianne BystromRole of Social Media in the 2016 CaucusesJournal of Political Marketing
Jan Lauren BoylesLaboraties for news? Experimenting with journalism hackathonsJournalism: Theory, Practice & Criticism
Amy J. Rutenberg"How the Draft Reshaped America"New York Times
Douglas GentileMedia violence and youth aggressionThe Lancet
Jennifer L. KnoxVarious poetryAmerican Poetry Review, Bennington Review, The Journal, Indolent Books, Open Letters Monthly, Brooklyn Poets Anthology (Brooklyn Arts Press, 2017), Misrepresented People: Poetic Responses to Trump's America (NYQ Books, 2017), The Inquisitive Eater
Jennifer L. KnoxIowa Bird of Mouth
Michael BaileyMagic: The BasicsRoutledge
William H. CarterSpielerische Gedanken: Economic Crisis and Financial Speculation in Hugo Bettauer’s Die Stadt ohne Juden and Its Adaptation by Hans Karl BreslauerJournal of Austrian Studies
Michèle SchaalUne troisième vague féministe et littéraireBrill
Tim WoltersReading Submarine HistoryThe Submarine Review
Christina SvecThe effects of instruction on the singing ability of children ages 5 to 11: A meta-analysisPsychology of Music, 1-14.
Katherine A. Rafferty “‘You know the medicine, I know my kid’: Being a parental advocate for children with complex chronic conditions"Health Communication
Dara M. Wald“Understanding the influence of power and empathic perspective–taking on collaborative natural resource management"Journal of Environmental Management
James AndrewsWarning Signs: Authoritarian Constraints on Scientific Inquiry in the Recent PastSocial Science Research Council
Fengrui Hu, postdoctoral research associate in physics and astronomy; Zhe Fei, assistant professor of physics and astronomy; Yilong Luan, doctoral student in physics and astronomyImaging exciton-polariton transport in MoSe2 waveguidesNature Photonics
Wenyu HuangSub-4nm PtZnIntermetallic Nanoparticles for Enhanced Mass and Specific Activities in Catalytics Electrooxidation Reaction; Silica-Encapsulated Pt-Sn Intermetallic Nanoparticles: A Robust Catalytic Platform for Parahydrogen-Induced Polarization of Gases and LiquidsJournal of the American Chemical Society; Angewandte Chemie International Edition
Evan C. Fricke, Haldre S. RogersMutualistic strategies minimize coextinction in plant–disperser networksProceedings of the Royal Society B
Katherine A. RaffertyInterviews, recording, and transcribing. In M. Allen (Ed.)The Sage Encyclopedia of Communication Research Methods
Lawrence T. McDonnell“‘The Deceivingest Fellow’: Honor, Respectability, and the Crisis of Character in the Old South"The Field of Honor: Essays on Southern Character and American Identity
Kathleen Hilliard"Bushels of Corn, Tubs of Trouble: Measuring Honor at the Pendleton Farmers' Society, 1823-24"The Field of Honor: Essays on Southern Character and American Identity
Ruslan ProzorovEnergy gap evolution across the superconductivity dome in single crystals of (Ba1−xKx)Fe2As2Science Advances
Katherine RaffertyA Qualitative Application of Problematic Integration Theory: Studying End-of-Life Conversations Between SpousesSage Research Methods Cases - Health
Amy Erica SmithElecting Women to New Arab Assemblies: The Roles of Gender Ideology, Islam, and Tribalism in OmanInternational Political Science Review
Grant ArndtHo-Chunk Powwows and the Politics of TraditionUniversity of Nebraska Press
Richard MansbachContemporary American Foreign Policy: Influences, Challenges, and Opportunities; Challenges for America in the Middle EastSage Publishing
Pamela Riney-KehrbergThe Routledge History of Rural AmericaRoutledge
Charles KostelnickVisible Numbers: Essays in the History of Statistical GraphicsRoutledge
Jonathan HassidChina's Unruly Journalists: How committed professionals are changing the People's RepublicRoutledge