Newell, Tavanapong and Berghefer publish article in Journal of Advertising Education
Author: Amy Juhnke
Author: Amy Juhnke
“Teaching Ad Tech: Assessing Collaborative Teaching in an Advertising, Computer Science and Design Course” appears in the just published edition of the [Journal of Advertising Education]( The paper was co-authored by Jay Newell, associate professor in the Greenlee School of Journalism and Communication, Wallapak Tavanapong, professor in computer science, and Sherry Berghefer, senior lecturer in the Greenlee School of Journalism and Communication.
From the abstract:
“Advertising technology is advancing quickly, incorporating digital techniques that may be beyond the experience of the individual faculty member. Collaborative teaching, where faculty members from different disciplines co-teach a course, may be a solution. This report assesses the learning outcomes of an advertising technology course taught by faculty from advertising, computer science and human-computer interaction programs. Two semesters of pre- and post-tests were analyzed, finding increases in student comfort with preparing and presenting technologically-advanced solutions to marketing challenges”.