Behind the uptick in women’s alcohol consumption: stress, stereotypes, marketing
Sociology Professor Susan Stewart explores research-based trends in her recently published book.
Sociology Professor Susan Stewart explores research-based trends in her recently published book.
Ann Oberhauser, professor of sociology, explores falling U.S. birth rates and the factors shaping the statistics.
Beginning July 1, the Department of Sociology will change its name to better reflect students’ growing interest in criminal justice.
Ann Oberhauser, professor of sociology and director of the Women’s and Gender Studies Program, has received the Jan Monk Service Award from the Feminist Geographies Specialty Group of the American Association of Geographers (AAG). The award recognizes a geographer who has made an outstanding service contribution to women in geography and/or feminist geography.
Nearly two-thirds of female participants reported drinking more since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic.
John Major Eason, University of Wisconsin—Madison, is the invited speaker for the 2019 George M. Beal Distinguished Lectureship in Rural Sociology.
Professors in sociology and political science will work with a professor in engineering to study how microaggressions affect students’ experiences in engineering education.