Tag: Tina Coffelt


Tina Coffelt publishes book

Tina Coffelt, associate professor in the Department of English, has published a book, “Interpersonal Sexual Communications Across the Lifespan.” For additional information about the book, please visit the publisher’s website


Katherine A. Rafferty, Tina Coffelt, Nicole Miller publish research in Western Journal of Communication

Three Iowa State faculty members have published their research in the Western Journal of Communication. The authors of the paper include, Katherine A. Rafferty, associate teaching professor in the Department of Psychology; Tina Coffelt, associate professor in the Department of English and Nicole Miller (’19 Communication Studies). Their paper, “Understanding Criteria that Predict Private Health … Continue reading Katherine A. Rafferty, Tina Coffelt, Nicole Miller publish research in Western Journal of Communication


Tina Coffelt earns grant from Central Asia University Partnerships Program (UniCEN); travels to Uzbekistan

Tina Coffelt, associate professor in the Department of English, earned a grant from the Central Asia University Partnerships Program (UniCEN). Coffelt recently traveled to Uzbekistan to conduct grant work related to professional development for faculty on the topics of research design, academic writing and publishing. In Uzbekistan, Coffelt met grant participants and discussed ongoing future … Continue reading Tina Coffelt earns grant from Central Asia University Partnerships Program (UniCEN); travels to Uzbekistan