Category: Honored


Hofmockel selected by DOE for Early Career Research Program

Hofmockel’s research project, “Molecular Interactions of the Plant‐Soil‐Microbe Continuum of Bioenergy Ecosystems,” was selected by the Office of Biological and Environmental Research. Hofmockel will study the science around bioenergy crops – crops like switchgrass and corn that are grown as a potential source of energy.


Whitney earns GSA Award

Nina Whitney, Ph.D. student in Geological and Atmospheric Sciences, was named the Gretchen L. Blechschmidt Award recipient for 2016 by the Geological Society of America (GSA). Whitney works with Associate Professor Alan Wanamaker on reconstructing ocean dynamics and climate in the North Atlantic Ocean. The Gulf of Maine is influenced by the warm Gulf Stream and … Continue reading Whitney earns GSA Award