Author: Troy Rutter


Claus Kadelka develops COVID-19 model that factors in people’s social interactions more realistically

ISU math professor Claus Kadelka says early on in the pandemic he noticed many COVID-19 models were based on the assumption people engage in random social mixing. Along with a graduate student, Kadelka developed a model that takes into account that most people practice homophily. This is the tendency to associate with groups who share … Continue reading Claus Kadelka develops COVID-19 model that factors in people’s social interactions more realistically


Douglas Gentile

Douglas Gentile was recently declared a Fellow of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology.


Dr. Jim Bovinette

Dr. Jim Bovinette, director of the Jazz Ensemble Program and Associate Professor of Trumpet at Iowa State, recently performed a virtual performance, Project Freude-Joy, with other worldwide musicians. The performance combined footage from the Classical Music Festival’s 2016 performance in the Haydnsaal of the Esterházy Palace in Eisenstadt, Austria.