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Miriam Zach performance featured on Organ Historical Society special program

Author: Stacey Maifeld

Miriam Zach, the Charles and Mary Sukup Endowed Artist in Organ, will perform on a special program for the Organ Historical Society (OHS). “Kaleidoscope of Colors, A Festival of Pipes” includes five Sunday programs, features fifteen instruments across fourteen states and represents three centuries of organ building in America. Each Sunday in August a new program will premier at 5:00 p.m. EDT.

Zach’s audio and video performance with the Iowa State University Brombaugh pipe organ, op. 29 (1987) covering 10 composers from seven countries and 600 years, will be broadcast on Sunday, August 8 at 4:00 p.m. CDT.

To view the program, visit the OHS website and click the button for “Kaleidoscope of Colors.” The programs will be available on the OHS YouTube channel through Thanksgiving.