Michael Bugeja publishes several opinion and analysis pieces
Author: las-digital
Author: las-digital
Michael Bugeja, Distinguished Professor in the Greenlee School of Journalism and Communication, penned several opinion pieces which are featured in high-profile publications.
Bugeja authored two analysis pieces for the Poynter Institute, a non-profit journalism school and research organization. “Holding signatories and adherents to account in the Texas Supreme Court Case” and “Understanding journalism (or its absence) in the Age of Conspiracy.”
The Winter 2021 issue of Profiles in Diversity Journal includes Bugeja’s piece, “Exploring Diversity via Discussion and Introspection.”
In addition, Bugeja published three opinion pieces in two Iowa newspapers, the Des Moines Register and Iowa Capital Dispatch.
Iowa Capital Dispatch
“Is there still value in teaching ethics?,” February 20, 2011
“What are your ‘trigger’ words and how to they affect your perception?,” January 20, 2021
Des Moines Register
“With colleges set to resume, here’s what we owe students,” January 22, 2021