A team of students sponsored by Iowa State University’s Department of Economics has been named as finalist in the nationwide 2017 Community Bank Case Study Competition, facilitated by the Conference of State Bank Supervisors.
Student members of the team include: John Bebel, Callen Duffy, Timothy Dwyer, James Howell, and Mengyu Wang. The students partnered with Ames National Corporation in Ames, IA. Peter Orazem, University Professor of Economics, and graduate assistant Katherine Lacy served as the team’s faculty advisors. The students partnered with Ames National Corporation, which is affiliated with several central Iowa banks.
“On behalf of the Iowa State Department of Economics I would like to congratulate the student team for being named finalists in 2017 Community Bank Case Study Competition. I am excited for our students. They are a brilliant group and we wish them the best in the final round of judging. I know they will represent the university well,” said Orazem.
The Iowa State University team is among five college teams out of 33 that are advancing as finalists in the bank competition. The other student teams represent Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania, Kutztown University (PA), Texas Tech University, and University of Akron (OH).
The Iowa State student team is competing for a chance to win scholarship money, an opportunity to present their case at the CSBS-Federal Reserve Community Banking Research and Policy Conference, and an opportunity to have their work published. The first, second and third place winning teams will be announced Thursday, May 25 live via Twitter during the annual state and federal banking regulator forum in New Orleans.
The Community Bank Case Study Competition is an annual competition that provides undergraduate students the opportunity to explore the field of banking by partnering student with local banks to conduct original case studies on a specific topic. The 2017 competition focused specifically on management and board succession planning at local community banks.