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Arts and Humanities Day featured students

Author: Stacey Maifeld

Today is Arts and Humanities Day for LAS Week! Meet some of the outstanding students majoring in the areas of arts and humanities in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences and learn about their student experiences.

**Carson Nibe**


**I love my major because . . .**
“I am able to let voices be heard from people who have oftentimes been silenced.”

**My favorite course so far in my major**
“I loved History of American Sexualities taught by Dr. Rutenberg. She is an amazing scholar and taught the class with the care it deserved.”

**How a professor has supported me**
“Dr. Best has been a wonderful resource for helping me navigate ISU in my final chapter here. Our conversations have left me feeling less lost in the world.”

**Advice to future History majors**
“Don’t be afraid to take classes with a heavier reading list, those classes are usually the most beneficial. And go to their office hours!”

**I plan to make a difference in the world by**
“Working with LGBTQ+ youth. Our voices are finally being heard and I plan to use mine.”

**Gabriella Kramer**


**Most memorable ISU experience so far**
“The culmination of day-to-day interactions with many wonderful people on campus from my professors to my mentees/tutees and classmates (especially those in English Education) make my experience at ISU memorable.”

**Favorite course so far in my major**
“ENGL 370 (Shakespeare) or ENGL 420 (History of the English Language).”

**One thing that surprised me about majoring in English is . . .**
“How many friendships I would develop along the way. Since English is a smaller major on campus, we have the opportunity to get to know one another better, which creates a stronger sense of community.”

**How a professor has supported me**
“Associate Professor Linda Shenk has been greatly supportive of me in helping me improve my writing capabilities as well as my research skills between her Shakespeare course and our work together in research.”

**Advice to future English majors**
“Try to balance the number of literature and composition courses you take so you aren’t overloaded with one or the other.”

**I plan to make a difference in the world by . . .**
“Teaching high school English. As I begin student teaching this semester, I am already amazed by the connections I get to make with students as I support them in preparing for post-graduation life.”

**Matthew Heinrichs**

French, International Studies, and Spanish

**I love my major because . . .**
“It has given me the opportunity to live in three countries other than the U.S. and experience life in a way I never knew was possible.”

**Most important lesson learned during an internship**
“The most important things I learned during my internship at an NGO in Valencia, Spain was how to communicate with people in a professional environment in a language other than English and to adapt myself to a completely and literally foreign workplace.”

**I plan to make a difference in the world by . . .**
“Studying and helping refugees from the Middle East in Europe and other countries.”

**My favorite course in my major so far**
“Politics of the Middle East (POL S 350). I had the chance to work with one of my favorite professors and engage in debates concerning some of the most important issues facing our world right now.”

**When I came to ISU, I never thought I would . . .**
“Love it so much. I was nervous about college at first, but within the first week of my freshman year I knew I was home. I have learned so much and I am going to miss Iowa State when I graduate.”

**Graham Bacon**


**Most memorable ISU experience so far**
“My most valued moments at ISU all carry the common themes of passion and personal enthusiasm. The wonderful thing about college campuses is that they are places to pursue your dreams and to choose what will guide your life. Campus is filled with people who are enthused to share and teach their passion with you. Whether it is history, math, tea, board games, or civic engagement, it is always a joy to find someone who has found something worth treasuring and knows it. These people and their enthusiasm are the memories that I will carry the most dearly.”

**I love philosophy because . . .**
“Fundamentally, philosophy encourages you to take a deep look at your life. It forces you to confront and consider the things you value, that you wish were different, and that you may wish to improve. The study immerses you into the wisdom and tools of some of humanity’s most brilliant thinkers, and from this it becomes difficult not to grow as a person.”

**One thing that surprised me about majoring in philosophy is . . .**
“The people. Our philosophy department is filled with some of the most interesting and kind people I have met. Both among the students and faculty, the department is a great place to make friends and find people to value.”

**Advice to future philosophy majors**
“Get involved on campus and pursue your interests. Check out the clubs on campus and attempt your own studies of the things you find most interesting. If you let your study be fully confined to the contents of your lectures, you’ll miss some of the best learning experiences that the university has to offer.”

**I plan to make a difference in the world by . . .**
“After my graduation from ISU my aim is to pursue a career in domestic humanitarian work. Through a study at law school, I intend to enter the world of policy with the specific aim of reducing the systemic sources of poverty and providing more compassionate and effective laws.”

**I would encourage other students to check out opportunities outside the classroom like . . .**
“Commit to something that you are passionate about and find others who share that passion. You are in an incredible place filled with people pursuing their interests. Whatever you do, there are people around who care – just look. Check out the campus clubs, each one is a community of people knit together by a shared interest or value. I have met some amazing people along the way and I wish I’d started looking sooner.”

**Dacey Messinger**


**Most memorable ISU experience so far**
“Working at the Farm House museum and learning everything about Iowa State history as an institution.”

**Favorite course so far in my major**
“I took a history course on the First Ladies of the United States with Dr. Stacy Cordery. This is one of my favorite courses I have ever taken at Iowa State because I had the opportunity to do archival research in my hometown Lexington, Kentucky, for the class research paper which was an awesome experience. The course challenged me to become a better student with better writing skills and not to mention I had the opportunity to learn about some pretty amazing women.”

**One thing that surprised me about majoring in History is . . .**
“Learning about the amazing career opportunities historians have outside of teaching in the classroom.”

**How a professor or adviser has supported me**
“The entire History department is full of fantastic professors and staff who are willing to help you with anything you need. It was not easy switching my major halfway into freshman year and the department supported me by welcoming me and others in the same boat with open arms.”

**Best lesson learned during an internship**
“Communicating and learning with people from all over the world. The people I have had the opportunity to work with have taught me about new places, ideas, and skills that will stay with me forever.”

**Advice to future History majors is**
“Get to know your professors and stay involved with your work. Building a network is very important for a history major and the best place to start is with your professors! Always staying involved with museum or history department events around Ames and on campus, as one of my mentors told me, ‘be present’ and show you care about your work.”

**Delaney Kelly**


American Indian Studies

**How a professor has supported me**
“Dr. McDonnell and Dr. Hilliard have been integral to my growth as a history major. They each helped me to figure out which path after graduation would best fit me, as well as providing me the opportunities to conduct an independent study and take a graduate seminar as an undergraduate.”

**When I came to ISU, I never thought I would . . .**
“be able to pursue my own research and present that research at conferences.”

**Favorite course in my major**
“Modern French History taught by Dr. Monroe and Modern Middle East taught by Dr. Low.”

**My advice to future history majors would be**
“To reach out to professors and graduates students in order to network within the department and take advantage of leadership opportunities.”

**I would encourage other students to check out opportunities outside of the classroom like . . .**
“History Club and Phi Alpha Theta, the history honors society. They are both great ways to get to know other history majors and make connections in the field.”